Future Dreaming is an exciting initiative, co-created by Indigenous leaders and knowledge holders – Mary Graham, a Kombumerri person and Ross Williams, a Bindal/Juru person- together with governance expert Lyb Makin, and myself.
Future Dreaming’s goal is to share ecological knowledge to build a better future for all of us. We focus on building cross cultural understanding of Indigenous frameworks and practices for Caring for Country, as well as sharing information about emerging Earth-centred law and governance in Western/industrialised systems.
This year, we’ve launched an important workshop series called “Connecting to Place, Caring for Country”, which we plan to host several times each year from 2021-2023. Our goal is an exciting one: to share insights into how Indigenous peoples across the continent now known as Australia, governed their societies through what Mary Graham calls – a pan-Aboriginal system of ‘sacrelised ecological custodianship’, built on the Relationist Ethos.
Our workshops begin with Mary Graham outlining the logic, structure and approaches within the Indigenous Relationist Ethos, and this material has catalysed profound insights from nearly everyone who listens to Mary’s amazing talks. I then follow Mary with an Earth jurisprudence critique of Industrialised societies’ governance systems, and how the movements connected to Earth laws are shifting the ‘concrete’ of human-centredness, modernity and colonialism back toward an Earth-centred way of thinking. The always wonderful Ross Williams then concludes our workshops by sharing insights into how Indigenous peoples around Australia see their relationships with each other, and with the non-human world, and how this translates into deep connection to place, and practices that Care for Country.
We hope you can join us for one of our fantastic workshops.